PURPOSE of the conference:  Jesus never proclaimed the Gospel without demonstrating it in power and love.  Jesus’ healing ministry is at the heart of His Gospel of power and he expects his disciples to minister his healing on the earth (cf Mt 16:18-19).  This class provides a foundation for partnering with the Holy Spirit to bring healing to the world around us.

MISSION of Encounter Ministries: Drawing from the richness of our Catholic heritage and identity; we seek to teach, equip and activate disciples able to demonstrate the supernatural power and love of the kingdom of God in their spheres of influence.


Dcn. Russ Feldkamp EM Cincinnati School Director

Dcn. Russ graduated from the US Naval Academy and served as a Marine Corps Artillery Officer. Leaving the military and his marketing company to focus on sharing the love and power of God with others, he is the Director of the Cincinnati Encounter School, leads conferences for Encounter Ministries and serves the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, particularly in youth and young adult ministry.

Chris Stier Presenter

Chris Stier had a long career in technology, including seven years at Google, before discerning the call to work full time for the Lord. A graduate of the Encounter School of Ministry, he currently serves at St. Mary of the Assumption parish in Springboro, OH where he is focused on forming missionary disciples to witness in the power of the Holy Spirit. In addition to his love for teaching, he has a passion for one-on-one ministry and longs to be used as an instrument for the conversion of hearts through miraculous physical and inner healing.


St. Susanna Parish Meyer Center

500 Reading Road

Mason, OH 45040

Please contact Marc Learned at [email protected] for information on the conference, the location and local hotels


5:30 pmRegistration & Check-in

6:15 pmWorship

7:00pmSession 1: Baptism of the Holy Spirit

9:30pmEnd of Session



9:00amSession 2: Theology of Healing


10:45amSession 3: The Role of Faith & Healing Prayer Model

12:00pmLunch Break

You'll want to bring lunch or visit the many local restaurants that are within a 10 minute drive.

1:15pmSession 4: Understanding Redemptive Suffering & Overcoming Discouragement


2:45pmSession 5: The Power of Testimony & Words of Knowledge

4:30pmOptional Vigil Mass

5:00pmDinner Break

You'll want to bring dinner or visit the many local restaurants that are within a 10 minute drive.


7:00pmHealing Service - Free & Open to the Public

10:00pmEnd of Event

  • Conference is geared for adults; however, minors are welcome with parent or guardian. Recommended minimum age is 14.

  • Online or satellite school graduate


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